About This Blog

What we think of as 'ourselves', 'society', 'family', 'humanity' -- all of it, is given meaning by stories. There's no way to get out of it because that's how our minds work. That's the hypothesis of this blog.The jury is out.

I will test this hypothesis by delving into this this subject, blogging about it as I go. I will explore the following themes:
  • What role does narrative play in core thinking processes?
  • How does narrative thinking differ from logic/scientific thinking, facts, etc.?
  • What are the basic story forms that we all draw from? How do 'stories' look?
  • What role does narrative play in important contemporary issues?
  • Where do stories come from (i.e. collective unconscious, the very structure of our brains? culture??
  • Do we create our personal stories, or are they 'given'
  • Can we change our personal stories? Rewrite our lives?
You may have noticed that this blog is anonymous. The main reason is so that I can write freely, without the normal self-censorship that goes on when I write for my other blogs that are connected to my name and professional profile. At some point, when the blog has been running a while and developed a thread, I will attach my identity to it.